Quotes From "I Partridge: We Need To Talk About Alan" By Alan Partridge

I’d spend hours in HMVs, Virgin Megastores and second-hand record shops staffed by greasy-haired 40-year-olds dressed as 20-year-olds, listening to contemporary music of every genre — Britrock, heavy maiden, gang rap, brakebeat. And I came to a startling but unshakeable conclusion: no genuinely good music has been created since 1988. Alan Partridge
Like a good-looking John Merrick, mine was a face that...
Like a good-looking John Merrick, mine was a face that looked really shit. Alan Partridge
Tears streamed down my face. I was so happy I wanted to shout it from the rooftop. But at the same time I knew that that afternoon's downpour would have made the slate tiles so slippery that achieving any kind of purchase would have been impossible. Alan Partridge